WWE star wins Michigan House Republican primary

He's won a few titles in his career, but winning a primary election probably ranks pretty high in the life of Gerin (AKA Rhyno).

Is a wrestler becoming a State Congressman breaking kayfabe? It might be now, if Terrance Guido Gerin, better known as “Man Beast” Rhyno, continues this trek into November.

While he was wrestling on Smackdown Tuesday night, he was also becoming a semi-successful Republican politician, winning the Republican Primary for Michigan’s 15th House District against Paul Sophiea and Richard Johnson by a grand total of 56 votes. Rhyno was finishing off Heath Slater with a Gore right as the precincts were reporting his victory in a totally different ring.

Gerin and his Democratic opponent Abdullah Hammoud are vying to replace Democratic representative George Darany, who is term-limited. In case you were wondering, the position pays just north of $71,000 annually, so we can assume Rhyno will be paid more handsomely than Gerin will be – that is, if Gerin wins in November.

The 15th district is mainly comprised of the town of Dearborn, just outside of Detroit. Gerin’s slogan is “I’ll Fight for You”, which is pretty good truth in advertising, and one of the main issues in his campaign is the potential closing of the city’s public pools. Not quite a finishing move… yet.
“I understand some people might be hesitant thinking it’s a gimmick,” he said, “but my friends and family know my love for this country, my passion for politics and my love for helping people out. If elected, that becomes my number one priority.”
If this video clip is any evidence, he might have some trouble attracting the female vote,
And also, ironically enough, this chart that tries to map sports fandom against political partisanship and voter turnout says that wrestling fans are more Democratic leaning, as well as not that politically active.
 Maybe Rhyno can change that. 

Source: MSN
WWE star wins Michigan House Republican primary  WWE star wins Michigan House Republican primary Reviewed by Unknown on 09:56:00 Rating: 5

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