Turkish parliament formally approves state of emergency

Turkish parliament formally approves state of emergency

The ruling AK Party, founded by Erdogan and in power since 2002, has a comfortable parliamentary majority.

Turkey's parliament formally approved a motion on Thursday establishing a three-month state of emergency in the country following last Friday's failed military coup.

President Tayyip Erdogan announced the plan for a state of emergency late on Wednesday saying it would enable the authorities to move swiftly and effectively to root out supporters of the abortive coup. He has accused an influential U.S.-based Muslim cleric of masterminding the coup.

Lawmakers backed the motion by 346 votes to 115 against. The ruling AK Party, founded by Erdogan and in power since 2002, has a comfortable parliamentary majority.
Turkish parliament formally approves state of emergency Turkish parliament formally approves state of emergency Reviewed by Unknown on 17:31:00 Rating: 5

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